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Friday, January 31, 2014

Reliance broadband superfast auto login and keep alive script.

I managed to mod a script on github according to my needs.

You will need beautifulsoup installed. Fireup a python shell and type "pip install beautifulsoup4"

1. Open CMD.
2. Run "cd c:\pyhton34\scripts"
 (replace python34 with your pyhton version or change the whole path if needed)
3. Run  "pip install beautifulsoup4"

Have a look at the read-me for full instructions.

Due credit to the original authors on who's work I improved.

This script is very fast. It's made for doge speed.

It will make your Reliance broadband truly always-on. It reconnects in less than a second and keeps trying until it logs on. Even when Reliance login servers are congested, you will never have to worry about logging in to Internet again.

To say full FUCKYOU to Reliance captive portal, follow these steps.

Put the file at C:\

IF YOU PUT IT ANYWHERE ELSE, then you have to manually change the path in the script given below.

Create a vbs script in start up folder located at(just change the extension of a .txt to .vbs)

In W7: C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
in XP: C:\Documents and Settings\(user)\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
Name it test.vbs or anything really.
Put the following in the script:
Set WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WinScriptHost.Run Chr(34) & "C:\" & Chr(34), 0
Set WinScriptHost = Nothing

This will run the script in background, invisible, every time your computer starts.

Have fun!


  1. Thank you for the script! Any way you can provide a similar script for other BroandBand Providers? Can you please help me with it? I dont have too much Java / HTML / Python knowledge.

  2. Seed me your provider's login and after login sucessful page source.

    Also have a peek at the script. Python is pretty natrual to read even if you are new to programming. I might reply late someties, sorry for that in advance.

  3. Wow this works really well. Thanks!

  4. Do you also have a solution for resetting reliance when it says that "your previous session has been terminated abruptly" ?

    1. They allow you to reset the session with a secret answer.

      If you have not yet set a secret answer, you will be asked to do so the next time you login.

    2. Yeah I have that. I was wondering if there was a way to reset the session automatically and then login.

    3. Check out the updated script.

    4. Sorry I haven't been able to test it out yet because I haven't yet encountered that situation.

      The script seems to work fine some times but other times it doesn't work and I have to log in manually. I have tried - waiting for 5 minutes and restarting the PC but it still doesn't work. The only way I have found that fixes it is, logging in manually and logging out. Is there a way to access a log or something like that so I may see where this problem is? Sorry for the noob questions I just suck at programming.

    5. Set the debug variable to True.

    6. You may want to manually disable the debug statement that prints the whole page html.

    7. Hi, thanks for the suggestion. The internet wasn't working well since last 2 weeks so I couldn't see what the problem was. I have noticed this is what happens -

      1. When there is no electricity for say, 2 hours the modem is turned off and on getting turned back on the script is stuck on 'not connected' message. Sometimes this is the only thing that shows up and sometimes it is followed by the print of the html of the login page. I don't get logged in and the 'connected' message does not show.

      After that point, I have tried closing the script and starting it again, and disconnecting my laptop from my modem but it still only shows 'not connected'

      After waiting for a few minutes I open the browser and manually login to reliance and after logging out manually the script prints the html of the login page and I get logged in and after that 'connected' message repeats.

      I am clueless on how to go about fixing this. Please advise.

    8. When you login manually, do you have to reset the session with you secret answer?

    9. I will need more details to nail the issue. Can you reproduce this behavior by manually turning off the modem?

    10. I can't seem to replicate the issue. I will keep trying...

    11. Fixed all issues by having windows scheduler restart the script every 5 minutes. Thanks.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hello pteek.. i am currently using Mac book air .. and reliance broadband for just a week or two.. and i have no idea about python but know C++. I installed Python 3.4.1 and beautifulsoup4- 4.3.2 for OS X.. i need your help to guide me to run this stuff in order to never log off.. i barely can use the WiFi without the hassle of logging in and entering the secret question all the time ..Please help me ...
    It would really make my life lol

    1. What seems to be the problem?

      Run the script manually in a terminal. It should be like "python3"

      I don't use MACs. Google to find ways to start it at boot.

  7. Hello and thank you for the script, pteek. Could u help me in setting this up on Ubuntu? Cos I have a nas using ubuntu, n I would like to set up the script on that. Thanx ^.^

    1. Try this.

    2. I got it up and running on my Rpi, as in, it runs on bootup n shit. But when i try to log it, it says

      No arguments given.
      Keep alive mode.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 175, in
      File "", line 142, in internet_keep_alive
      if not is_internet_on():
      File "", line 84, in is_internet_on
      socket.timeout: timed out

      And it also doesnt log in

    3. What is your python version?

    4. Try this fix branch.

    5. Just checked, it was 3.2.3. Just compiled and installed 3.3.3

    6. Okay, now try the fix branch.

    7. Oh n do i replace the ' in the username and password variable? or do i add it beside them?

    8. i just removed the inverted commas there, like i had done the first time

    9. In the username = 'username' field?

    10. Yes and in other fields too if you change them.

      username = '33333333333'
      password = 'hunter2'

  8. My querries/results are in Caps.
    You will need beautifulsoup installed. Fireup a python shell and type "pip install beautifulsoup4"--HOW TO FIRE-UP PYTHON SHELL?

    1. Open CMD.
    2. Run "cd c:\pyhton34\scripts"--"cd c:\pyhton33\scripts"--SHOWS SYNTAX ERROR OR PATH ERROR.I HAV INSTALLED PYTHON 3.3.3 IN C DRIVE.
    (replace python34 with your pyhton version or change the whole path if needed)
    3. Run "pip install beautifulsoup4"

  9. i am using xp, even schedule task is showing errors regarding login not set and something like that
    now please help me with the .vbs file ,how to put three code lines of winscript,should i copy paste on the top of the script
    or to the bottom of the script ,just to let u know that i have rectified the spelling to reliance in that three vbs code line and secondly i am using python 3.3.3 so should i change chr(34) to chr (33)and also that i haven't changed the username and password ,i have kept it as it is
    please help. This is the three code line that i am using :
    Set WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    WinScriptHost.Run Chr(34) & "C:\" & Chr(34), 0
    Set WinScriptHost = Nothing

    and lastly the winscript error always shows the error of line 1 ,shoud i copy all the script starting from #/usr/bin/env python
